The story that brings together Luca Pignatelli and A Collection is rooted in a very similar way of feeling and envisioning work and artistic/visual practice. The application of materials that have already been used and are destined to be discarded, for instance, is at the basis of the logic of transformation that belongs to both. For A Collection, waste is not simply converted into yarn, but also into actual resources capable of producing unexpected effects and perceptual experiences. For Pignatelli, altering the function of things is the philosophical driving force behind his research, in which objects and media from different times and eras have the opportunity to build new mechanisms. For both of them, the line of time is continuous, as are the listening and dialogue with the inherent energy of things. A book dedicated to the artist’s production on paper (Danilo Eccher, Luca Pignatelli Works on paper, Skira editore, Torino 2016) includes a chapter on Italian tapestries. Leafing through the pages of the publication with Giovanni Bonotto the idea arose to produce a work together, one that could transform the study for a majolica floor into a special pattern, made of shapes that break geometric rules and transform into the unexpected. This is how Arazzi Italiani - Frammento del Mar Ionio LP62 was born: from a mutual observation of transformation and time.